Lucky's Choice Page 8
Chapter 7
Lucky glanced to his side, grinning at Viper as they rode their bikes through the countryside. Decreasing his speed as they neared Treepoint, which was busy with traffic, he heard Bliss make a sound at his back. The woman loved speed.
As he brought his bike to a stop at the red light, a car pulled to a stop behind him. Looking in his mirror, he saw Willa sitting behind the wheel, her ugly minivan filled with the children she had taken in. His hands clenched his handlebars when he saw where her gaze was focused. He knew exactly because it was the same sight he had been treated to when they had first departed from the clubhouse.
Bliss was wearing a black leather halter top with a pair of low, hip-hugger blue jeans that showed the top of her ass when she leaned forward to hug the rider. She had begun the trip on the back of Train’s bike, but when they had stopped for lunch and returned to the bikes, she had climbed on behind him. He had almost told her to get off, but the other brothers had already peeled out.
He could imagine the thoughts going through Willa’s mind, remembering Georgia’s cruel comment to her about being too large to ride a bike.
The sound of Viper’s accelerating engine when the light turned green had Lucky riding forward, following the president’s lead, but the hurt expression on Willa’s face tore at him the entire ride back to the clubhouse.
When he came to a stop, Bliss jumped off, joining the rest of the members as they went up the steep flight of steps.
“Coming?” Shade asked with his arm around Lily’s shoulder, keeping her close to his side.
“No, going out for a while.” Lucky backed his bike out, turning once again to the road.
He wasn’t ready to go inside yet. Shade would disappear inside his home with Lily, and the rest of the crew would be ready to party. However, with Willa’s reaction to Bliss heavy on his mind, he wasn’t in the mood to fuck or drink.
The feelings the timid woman roused in him were harder to escape than leaving the church. The more he fought against them, the harder he was being wrenched back.
After two hours of riding, Lucky came to a stop behind a stand of trees that hid him from the sight of a solitary small house where a light shone in one of the windows. He leaned against one of the trees, watching as the sun set and darkness fell.
He was still as a statue when the front door opened before a heavily built man left the house and went down the front steps into the yard, moving to the side to pick up a bucket. Lucky watched as he went to a kennel containing the two dogs inside, his lips thinning as the dogs were fed and watered. He had observed the same scene several times, enough to know what was coming next.
After they were fed, they were released to roam the land. Bridge used the dogs to guard his property from the predators that roamed the night.
Bridge went back inside the house as the dogs took off, running in Lucky’s direction. Lucky straightened as the dogs skirted between the trees, searching for his scent.
They stopped in front of him and Lucky reached into his pocket, pulling out the two treats he had taken out of his saddle bags and tossing them to the two dogs. Bridge didn’t spoil the dogs, so Lucky took advantage, training the dogs to his scent to reward them.
Once they raced off with the treats in their large jaws, Lucky remained until his legs began to cramp then went to his bike. Starting the motor, he revved the engine, wanting Bridge to hear from inside before Lucky headed back to Treepoint.
He had made the same trek over a dozen times since he had left the church, each time hoping to incite the man into making his move or to force a confrontation that Lucky was tired of waiting for. And, each time, he battled the temptation to leave the stand of trees and end the waiting game. Only the fact that the former Seal was justified in his need for revenge held Lucky back from provoking a confrontation that would leave one of them dead. As a result, he always left without coming face to face with Bridge.
His soul couldn’t live with another death on his conscience, one that would either damn his soul or give him solace, although Lucky wasn’t sure there was a soul to save anymore. What was left had been damned the night he had accepted Moon’s bet. The devil’s wager had been the knife that severed his last tie to the church.
Murder or forgiveness—the first would send him to Hell, and the second, Bridge wouldn’t give.
Lucky sped through the dark night with his demons hounding his trail as he rode back to the clubhouse.
* * *
The front room was packed as Lucky came in. The brothers were drinking. Train was fucking Raci on the couch, and Jewell was naked, dancing on the bar. Lucky strode forward and, reaching up, he grabbed Jewell, tossing her over his shoulder. He felt her laughter as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom, placing her on her feet beside his bed.
Lucky unbuckled his jeans as he toed off his boots.
“You’re in a hurry.” Jewell licked her bottom lip as he pulled out his dick.
Kicking his jeans and boots away, he lifted his arms in the air. Jewell took a step forward, lifting his T-shirt off and throwing it on the floor. Then she licked his chest as her hands went to his dick.
“The only thing I want on my dick right now is your mouth,” Lucky groaned.
Jewell lifted her head, giving him a seductive smile. Her tongue traced down his flat stomach until she reached his cock, finding the drop of pre-cum on the tip.
She dropped to her knees in front of him. “What has you so worked up tonight? Usually, you like it slow, not that I’m complaining.” Her hands cupped his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t want slow tonight. I want fast and hard. I can do slow after I come down your throat.” Lucky buried his hand in Jewell’s hair, keeping her mouth where he wanted it as he began fucking her experienced mouth.
This was what he needed to drive Willa from his mind, to keep him from the virgin who would trap him in a heartbeat if he gave in to the desire tormenting his body and soul. He needed a woman like Jewell to remind him what he was searching for—a woman who would never grow too attached to him, could never touch the good side of him and tempt him back to a life he had forsaken.
Jewell took him to the back of her throat, sucking on him greedily, and his balls tightened when her teeth nipped at him. She then leaned her head back despite his harsh grip, and his cock popped out of her mouth.
“Don’t you want to punish me?” she teased.
Lucky gave her a feral grin before reaching for his jeans. Taking out his knife, he opened the blade before grabbing Jewell and throwing her onto the bed.
Jewell immediately got on her hands and knees, giving him access to her ass.
He climbed on the bed behind her. “You’re getting as bad as Bliss, wanting to be spanked all the time.”
Lucky expertly turned the knife in his hand. If he was actually going to use his knives on her, he would have her shower first, but that wasn’t necessary for the use he intended tonight.
He reached to his nightstand then grabbed an alcohol pad and a condom. Ripping the condom open, he rolled it onto his cock before opening the alcohol pad to carefully wipe his knife. He loved this particular one with a pearl handle that he used against their clits and the wide blade that he could use as a paddle.
He brought the flat side of the blade down on her ass, and Jewell moaned as her perfect, red clit grew damp. Lucky gave her one finger as the knife repeatedly struck her ass, turning it a rosy red.
“You ready to finish sucking my dick?”
When Jewell shook her head, clutching the sheets, Lucky brought the knife down on the other ass cheek, his cock nearly bursting. Replacing the finger that had been pumping inside her with his dick, he rammed his cock in her to the hilt, and a scream filled the room.
“Fuck me!” Jewell chanted over and over while he thrust his cock inside of her as he kept spanking her with his knife. Once her ass glowed red, he threw the knife at the headboard, burying the tip into the dark wood while
he buried his cock in Jewell’s clenching pussy as she came.
Feeling her climax, he let himself come, ramming his cock into her over and over until his own orgasm was played out.
Jewell dropped to the mattress, shuddering, and Lucky got off the bed.
“Where you going?” Jewell mumbled.
“To take a shower.” Lucky reached for her ankle, dragging her across the bed.
Her eyes went to his still-hard cock. “You’re not done?”
Lucky opened his nightstand, taking out the leather pouch. Slowly, he opened it, showing the glinting blades.
“Go get in the shower and get the water warm for me while I get the bed ready.”
Jewell practically ran into the bathroom as Lucky went to the cabinet to get what else he would need, taking out rope and a blindfold. The knives in the pouch had already been cleaned and readied for when he wanted to use them.
When he had everything just as he wanted, he opened the bedroom door before walking toward the bathroom, hearing the water running and wishing it was another woman waiting for him impatiently.
His hand went to the doorknob, pressing his forehead on the closed door.
“Willa.” Lucky let her name slip from his mouth, his cock swelling in reaction. He wanted to hit his fist against the door in frustration at the inability to exorcise her from his mind. Instead, he straightened, opening the door and going inside.
“What took you so long?” Jewell asked when he stepped into the shower.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a male figure enter the bathroom. As Jewell’s eyes went over his shoulder, seeing Moon, she started shaking under the warm water.
Lucky gave her a menacing smile. “Ready to play?”
Chapter 8
Willa held Chrissy and Caroline’s hands tightly as she walked across the gym floor, showing them the booths that had been set up for October Fest. Winter had done a fantastic job of transforming the large space in her fundraising efforts for the alternative school.
“Can I go with my friends?” Charlie asked from where he had been trailing behind them.
She let go of Caroline’s hand long enough to reach into her purse and hand Charlie some money.
“Don’t leave the gym,” she cautioned.
“I won’t,” Charlie said before running off to join the two boys waiting at the next booth.
Willa reached down to take Caroline’s hand again, only to find the little girl had disappeared.
“Oh, God…” Frantically, she looked around, searching for a small figure wearing the bright orange shirt she had helped her put on before leaving the house.
“Caroline!” Willa yelled, her voice smothered in the noise from the crowded gym.
She moved forward, panicking when she didn’t immediately find her. Chrissy started whimpering at being tugged along, so Willa stopped and picked her up.
“It’s okay. We’re going to find her.”
Chrissy nodded her head, placing her hand on Willa’s shoulder.
“Caroline!” Chrissy pointed in a direction that was blocked by a large group of people.
Trusting that Chrissy had seen her sister, Willa went in the direction she was pointing. She was jostled several times as she tried to squeeze past and accidently knocked a plastic cup out of a man’s hand as he was served at one of the booths.
“Excuse me.”
Curt Dawkins lowered his angry eyes to his wet pants then shuttered them before lifting them. Willa noticed how quickly he was able to hide his irritated reaction.
“That’s all right. Next time, try to be more careful, or you could hurt someone. It’s a shame you never played football. You could have taken out half the opposing team.” Willa listened to his snide comment as he placed a charming expression on his face. No one looking on would know how cruelly he had just insulted her.
Willa held Chrissy tighter to her as his eyes roved sleazily over her body.
“Send me the cleaning bill, and I’ll take care of it.” Willa attempted to move away, desperate to escape his venomous presence, only to bump into someone passing behind her.
Curt grabbed her arm, pulling her nearer to him. “Watch out.”
Willa’s eyes widened when she saw it was Lucky and Rider she had nearly bumped into. As both men came to a stop, Willa tried to hide her fear of the man who hadn’t released her arm and was now pressed like a leech to her backside. She wanted to heave when she felt his penis hardening against her butt.
“Hi, Willa.”
“Hi, Rider,” she greeted before she reluctantly acknowledged the man standing quietly. “Lucky.” Jerking her arm away from Curt’s tight grip that she was sure would leave a bruise, she tried to step around Lucky and Rider. “I need to find Caroline. I’m afraid she managed to escape from me.”
Willa didn’t slow down, trying to put as much distance between her and Curt as possible. Why was it every overbearing person in Treepoint tried to overpower her? Did she have a freaking sign on her back that told them she was a coward?
“Let us help you find her,” Rider offered.
“That’s not necessary. I have it under control,” Willa said without turning around.
“That’s not what it seems like to me.”
She ignore Lucky’s snide comment, blinking away frustrated tears. Why did she have to always make a fool of herself in front of him?
Willa released a sigh of relief when she saw Winter with Caroline as they walked in a circle while music played. As the melody came to a stop, the two stood on the last available circle, winning the cake walk.
Winter laughed, picking Caroline up and tossing her into the air. “You’re my good luck charm.”
The girl squealed in laughter when Winter caught her.
“Thank God you found her. I was worried sick.”
Winter took the cake she had won. “Caroline’s been helping me win one of your cakes.”
“Thank you, Winter.”
“I’m going to share my winnings with my partner.” Winter gave Caroline a wink.
“I don’t think she deserves it for leaving my side.” Seeing that Winter was about to protest, she relented. “I have several cupcakes at home. I’ll give her one of those. You keep the cake for yourself and Viper.”
“I’ll take you up on that. I’ll be lucky to save Viper a slice when the other members find out I won it. All the men tried to win it as soon as they saw it was chocolate on chocolate.”
“Would you like me to hold it for you?” Rider asked, greedily eyeing the cake.
“Over my dead body.” Winter pulled the cake closer to her. “I’m going to lock this beauty away in my office until I’m ready to go home. Want to help me, Caroline?” Winter held her hand out, and the girl took it. “I’ll keep her with me and let her play a few games if that’s all right, Willa?”
“Are you sure? She can be a handful,” Willa warned.
“I deal with The Last Riders every day. Caroline will be a breeze compared to them.” Winter moved away with Caroline obediently walking beside her. Willa wished she handled her as easily.
Winter bent to place Chrissy on her feet. Straightening, she saw both Lucky and Rider gaping at her. Glancing down, she turned bright red at seeing her top button had come loose when she had been carrying the child. When she had leaned over, she had flashed the men a generous view of her breasts.
Clutching Chrissy’s hand in one of hers, she tried to button her top with her other hand.
“Where are the other three tonight?” Lucky’s hoarse voice had her taking an involuntary step backward.
“Charlie is with his friends at one of the booths, and Leanne and Sissy are both at home. They said they were too old for school carnivals.”
“Neither volunteered to help you with their cousins?”
“You know teenagers …” Willa began to defend the two older girls.
“Yes, I do, and they’ll take advantage if you let them.
” Lucky’s eyes were still pinned to her trembling fingers trying to button her blouse.
“I wanted to give them some free time.” His nerve-wracking observation of her fumbling attempts made her even clumsier.
“Exactly when was the last time you had any?” He took a step forward, brushing her hand away then fastening the button for her.
Her mind went blank as she stared into his hazel eyes. “Wh-What?”
“Free time?” This time, a small smile played on his sensuous lips.
“Oh.” Reason gradually returned when Lucky reached down, picking up Chrissy and placing her in Rider’s surprised arms.
“Keep her occupied. We’ll be back in an hour,” Lucky told Rider before taking Willa’s arm.
“Wait. I can’t just leave her with him.”
“Why not? He’ll take good care of her.” Lucky hustled her through the crowd toward one of the booths.
Willa stared down at the rubber ducks going in a circle of water, dumbfounded at Lucky planning to spend an hour with her. She had never managed to be in his presence for five minutes without feeling awkward. An hour would be torture.
Lucky handed the girl behind the table a dollar. “Pick one.” He motioned at the innocuous yellow ducks.
“Why?” Willa asked in confusion.
“For fun. Do you even know what fun is?”
“Yes, I do.” Willa pretended to be fascinated by the ducks going in a slow circle, hurt by his comment. “For your information, you being rude to me is not fun.”
She reached out, picking up one of the ducks and handing it to the girl who reached into a box and pulled out a string of brightly colored beads. Before she could take them, Lucky did then lifted them over her head, and they nestled in the cleft between her breasts. He reached out, taking the beads in his hand, his knuckles resting against the flesh of her breasts. Her breathing escalated at his intimate touch, so she tried to move away yet was held in place by the necklace until she felt it biting into the back of her neck.
Her nipples hardened as she tried to calm her breathing and pretend to be unaffected. His eyes moved to her side before returning to hers. Willa turned to see what had caught his attention and saw the biker who had been with Lucky and Rider the night she had picked Sissy up at the sheriff’s office. The stranger had two black eyes and looked frightening with the determined expression on his face. Before she could try to move away from Lucky again, he released the necklace then steered her toward a photo booth tucked against the wall.