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Stand Off Page 7

  Contrary to what he had snapped at her, Max was aware he wasn’t the smartest battery in the pack, but he knew when a woman was giving him signals. Casey was giving him signals that were beginning to not only be obvious but had his dick so hard he couldn’t sit comfortably.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Casey asked after he moved slightly away from her, trying to think of one good reason not to lay her back on the couch and fuck her.

  She was practically coming out and asking him to. She had edged close enough to him to be practically sitting in his lap. Every time he breathed in, he smelled the perfume she had on and felt the gentle curve of her breast pressed against his arm.

  “Yes, a beer would be great.” Max ran a hand through his shaggy hair. Coming to a decision, he stood up. “Never mind. I forgot I’m supposed to meet a friend of mine. I’ll see you around.”

  Max left with Casey standing in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in her hand. Their eyes met as he closed the door behind him. The hurt and confusion made him feel like shit, but he smothered it. He had never turned down pussy in his life. The motives behind her sudden desire for his dick were what had him running scared.

  A week ago, she would have gone out of her way to avoid him, but now she was suddenly snuggling up against him like a little sex kitten wanting to be played with. Until he found out exactly why she had gone from the ice princess of Queen City to the fiery one she was turning into, his dick wasn’t coming out to play.

  * * *

  Casey stood staring at the closed door, her mouth hanging open at his abrupt departure. When she slammed the bottle down onto her counter, the beer spilled over.

  “Dammit.” Casey shoved her hair behind her ear.

  Why had he taken off like that? Max fucked everyone! Everyone in Queen City knew it. That was what she had counted on. Was there something wrong with her?

  “What am I supposed to do now?” she asked herself out loud, her mind trying to find another plan. She needed Max if her plan was going to succeed.

  She bit her lip, coming to a decision. Her stepbrother wasn’t the only Predator. If she wasn’t going to get what she needed from Max, it was time to move on. Actually, it might work out better. Last night, when she was at the clubhouse, she had met a couple of the Predators she hadn’t known. One in particular didn’t seem to have any problem flirting with her. She hadn’t responded, having already decided on Max, but now she would put her efforts into him.

  Casey was kind of relieved. She had her doubts about whether she would have been able to keep the emotional distance from Max enough to succeed, enough to betray him when the time came. She had to remember at the end of this whichever man’s bed she ended up in didn’t matter. It was about giving someone their freedom and taking care of someone who belonged to her. She was going to make good on a promise she had made a long time ago, even if her pride and life were forfeited in the process.

  Chapter 10

  Max waved a twenty in the bar girl’s direction. She immediately weaved through the crowded strip club toward his and Jackal’s table.

  “Anything else, Max?” she asked, leaning over the table and flashing a gorgeous view of her tits as she did.

  He grinned up at her. “That’s it for now, maybe later,” he said, taking her up on her invitation to stuff the twenty between the luscious breasts that he had sucked on more than once in the past.

  The woman’s mouth dropped in a pout as she placed Jackal’s drink in front of him. “What about you, Jackal?”

  “Busy right now.”

  She raised a brow but left the two men at the table. Max lifted his drink to his mouth, becoming aggravated at the brother who was late.

  “What’s keeping him?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you call and ask him?” Jackal said.

  “I’ll wait,” Max grumbled.

  “What’s the hurry? It’s not like you have anywhere else to be. Last night was Casey’s last night, so you don’t have to hide out and watch her anymore.”

  “You knew?”

  “Brother, we all know. The only thing we don’t know is why?”

  “I don’t know.” Max shrugged. Maybe he felt responsible for her now that they were related by marriage. The man she was dating was gone more than he was in town, and he never saw her out on the town with friends. She had no one to look out for her. A few hours a night was no skin off his back, and it might make the difference between life and death to her.

  “Well, that explains a lot.”

  The door to the strip club opened, and a large man entered the club wearing jeans and a leather jacket with a patch of a rival biker club that was trying to encroach on the Predators’ territory.

  The dark-skinned man wore his hair braided away from his face to lie against the back of his neck. His sharp features bothered Max. No brother in a biker club should have a face that didn’t bear the look of having been busted up a few times.

  He didn’t look at Max or Jackal as he made his way toward the stairs across the bar, going up the steps and keying in the code to the private room above.

  Max and Jackal both rose slowly, making their way across the same path and going up the steps, keying in the same code. They entered the room to find the man they had followed already sitting at a table, being taken care of by one of the women working the VIP room.

  They sat down at the booth with him.

  “Why are you so late?” Jackal questioned.

  “Couldn’t get away from X. He gets more paranoid every day.”

  “He should. Challenging the Predators for territory isn’t smart if your brothers want to keep breathing.”

  KC flashed them a smile. “You’ve got to be kidding me. When are any of the Bandits ever going to be considered smart? Fuck, they couldn’t tie their bootlaces if they had to. Tell Ice he can take them down anytime he wants. I want to come home.”

  Jackal’s mouth twitched into a sinister smile. “You sure? If we battle them, I don’t want any surprises just because you’re tired of riding with them.”

  KC leaned forward in the booth. “Those wannabes are as lame as you can get. Most of them can barely ride, much less know how to fight. I can’t figure it out. Why are they challenging the Predators when they won’t stand a chance? Thankfully, it’s not my job to figure it out; it’s yours.” KC gave them a pleading glance. “If I have to stay there another six months, I’m going to lose it. Their club whores couldn’t suck a dick if they had to. If I didn’t have this club, my dick would never have any relief.”

  “The bitches aren’t fucking the brothers?” Jackal asked sharply.

  “If they are, they’re leaving me out. Think it’s because I’m black?” KC joked.

  “No,” Jackal stated as they both stared at the handsome man who had all their club bitches begging for his attention.

  “Then what do you think’s going on?” KC asked.

  “I’m thinking the Predators are getting set up to make a move. The cops are still upset we walked away from those prison sentences, and one of their own ended up behind bars.” They remained silent as drinks were placed in front of them. Jackal waved the attractive waitress away then continued, “I need you to try to search a couple of their rooms.”

  KC shook his head. “You trying to get me killed?”

  “I’m trying to keep that from happening to all of us. If any of them are undercover cops, they’ll have something hidden somewhere to identify them. Find it. Take a few pictures of anyone new hanging around the club. Maybe a couple of our informants can identify them.”

  Max felt bad for the brother who was younger and less experienced than most of the other Predators. What Jackal asked was dangerous, and if he was caught, he would be without back-up.

  “All right.” KC lifted his drink toward Jackal. “If anything happens to me, make sure they fix my pretty face before they bury me.”

  “Fuck, you’re too pretty, anyway. Women prefer men who look like they’ve been in a fight or

  “Yeah, well, I’ll take your word for that,” KC said, staring back into Jackal’s face at the scar that ran down one side of his face to the side of his lips. “But I would prefer to keep mine the way it is.”

  Max slapped him on the back, nearly knocking the whiskey out of his hand. “I don’t blame you. I like my pretty face, too.”

  Max and Jackal hung around a while longer before leaving and going back to the clubhouse. He was tired after watching Casey from the parking lot across the street and wanted nothing more than to get back to a normal schedule of sleeping and partying again. He would pick one of the club whores for the night and go to bed. He even planned to sleep late and take whichever lucky bitch he had picked out to breakfast as thanks for taking the pounding he was prepared to give them. He hadn’t sunk his dick in a pussy in two weeks and was determined to give his aching dick the relief it needed.

  His plan came to an abrupt end when he walked into the Predator clubroom and saw Casey snuggled up against Stump.

  “What the fuck!” Max growled under his breath.

  “What?” Jackal asked, coming to a stop next to him.

  “Stump is licking Casey’s neck like she’s a fucking ice cream.”

  “If you have a problem with Stump, make sure you take it out to the parking lot. I’m not buying new furniture like I did the last time you broke the room apart.”

  “I don’t care what they’re doing,” Max denied without taking his eyes off the pair leaning against a back wall.

  “Sure you don’t,” Jackal said, moving away and snagging Crush around the waist.

  Max strode toward the bar to get himself a beer then took it back to sit in one of the chairs as he talked to Buzzard and Fade. Unable to help himself, he watched as Stump’s hand went to Casey’s hip, bringing her up close and personal with his pelvis. The man surrounded Casey, who seemed to be eating the attention up.

  He gave a grunt when Rita tossed herself onto his lap.

  “Where you been all evening?”

  “I’ve been busy,” he answered, not paying attention to her as she rubbed her hand against his chest. He was more interested in Casey wrapping her arms around Stump’s neck.

  The way the two were going at it, they would be fucking in the next ten minutes.

  “When did Casey show up?”

  “Hm…” Rita lifted her eyes from his chest. “She showed up a couple of hours ago with Stump. They haven’t taken their hands off each other. Never thought I’d see the day that prissy bitch would fuck a brother. I guess she heard he has the biggest dick here. Well, almost…,” she said, leaning down to place her mouth against his.

  Max jerked his head back and saw Casey quickly look away when he glanced in her direction.

  Coming to a decision, he stood, and Rita barely managed to catch herself before she fell to the floor.

  “Where are you going?”

  Max ignored her, walking toward Stump and Casey. As he drew closer, he saw Casey glance over Stump’s shoulder, seeing him approach. Her eyes widened as he reached around Stump, jerking her away from the brother who couldn’t keep his mouth off her.

  “What the fuck!” Stump turned around angrily.

  “I’m going to dance with her. You got a problem with that?” Max kept his hand on Casey’s arm when she would have jerked away.

  “Yes. We were about to go to my bedroom. She’s taken. You can have her when I’m finished.”

  “Now that’s where I have a problem. She’s not going to be fucking you tonight; she’s going to be too busy with my dick. Find another woman. Rita’s not busy.” Max turned, going to the hallway and opening a door halfway down the corridor. He pushed her into his bedroom, slamming the door shut.

  “You just can’t interrupt what I was doing and drag me to your bedroom!”

  “If you know what’s good for you, Casey, you’ll shut the fuck up now while I’m still managing to hold my temper in check. One word out of your mouth, and I’ll knock all of Stump’s teeth out of his head.”

  Casey’s mouth snapped angrily closed while her eyes shot angry amber sparks at him.

  “What in the fuck is going on with you lately? For years, you wouldn’t give any of us the time of day. Now all of a sudden you’re begging one of us to fuck you.”

  Casey jerked as if he had slapped her, but Max was tired of pussy-footing around the subject.

  “Don’t be crude!” she snapped.

  “You’re going to see just how crude I can be.” Max’s hands went to the back of his T-shirt, pulling it over his head.

  “What are you doing?” Casey shrieked.

  “Giving you what you wanted me to give you the other day. I didn’t back off just to watch you give what I want to another brother.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t fucking lie. I hate liars.” Her face whitened at his harsh remark. “You were coming on to me the other day when we had lunch together. You were putting out signals that you wanted me.”

  “So what if I was? You left. As a matter of fact, you practically ran out of my apartment.”

  “I’m not running anywhere now, am I? Take off your fucking shirt.” Max’s hands went to her hips, bringing her flush against his hips, notching his rapidly hardening cock against her pussy.

  “Max, I’m not sure—”

  “You seemed pretty sure when Stump was all over you.”

  “Stump wasn’t mad at me.”

  The trembling in her voice had him taking a step back, dropping his hands from her hips.

  “Go home, Casey. Get the hell out of here.” Max gritted his teeth when she stood still. Moving from the door, he gave her the freedom to leave his room.

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  His breath left him in a rush at her admission. Max took a step forward, his hands going to her shirt this time, pulling it off. He stared down at the breasts behind her tiny, pale, flesh colored bra before he went behind her back, unclasping the bra and freeing her breasts.

  He gave a low whistle. They weren’t very large, but what was there was firm, and her nipples pointed out, begging for his mouth.

  Max placed his hands on her hips, lifting her until her nipple was within reach. Her gasp had his tongue flicking at the pebbling, rosy-colored tit.

  He propelled her toward the bed. “You on birth control?”

  “Yes, but I want you to use a condom.” Casey licked her full bottom lip as her eyes watched him unbuckle his belt.

  Max reached inside his nightstand, pulling out a condom before unzipping his jeans.

  “Give it time, and you’ll be begging me not to use one,” Max boasted.

  Casey folded her arms across her chest, stubbornly standing her ground. “Oh my God are those piercings?” Her eyes widened in shock as he pulled off his jeans.

  “I have a few,” he said, kicking his jeans away. Max leaned over the bed, his hands going to the snap of her jeans.

  “That’s more than a few. That’s a lot.”

  “You’re going to love the feel of them against your clit. It feels even better without the condom.”

  “We’re using a condom,” Casey said firmly.

  “No glove, no pussy?” Max grinned unabashedly. “Like I said, sooner or later, you’ll be begging me to leave it off. Women are usually a little hesitant at first, but once they feel them against that little clit, they start screaming something else.”

  “I bet they are. They’re probably screaming for help, and if it’s not too big of a deal, do you mind not talking about other women you’ve had sex with while we are? It’s kind of a turnoff.”

  Max successfully pulled her jeans off with her panties then stared down hungrily at the bare pussy he had exposed. It was too hard to resist. His finger reached out, parting the petal-soft lips, exposing the pearly pink clit he was searching for.

  He frowned. She wasn’t wet for him.

  “What’s wrong?” Max’s eyes narrowed on her, stud
ying her expression and seeing past the smile to the nervousness in her trembling lips and her quivering stomach muscles. “If you don’t want to…”

  Her hands went to his shoulder, bringing him down to her. Her nipples nestled in his chest hair. “It’s the piercings. I’m just worried they’ll hurt.” Her soft admission brought a gentleness out of him that he hadn’t been aware he possessed. He was used to his sex being dirty and raw, a roller coaster ride from beginning to end, whereas Casey was used to vanilla milkshakes and kiddie rides.

  “Sweetheart, the only pain you’re going to have is when I make you beg me to come,” he bragged.

  Her laughter lightened her nervousness, and he was relieved to see it.

  “You’re very confident, aren’t you?”

  “I’d tell you why, but you said you didn’t like me talking about other women when I’m trying to fuck you, so why don’t I show you, instead?”

  Max rose up, gently licking one of her nipples before licking down the side, tracing a path down her flesh. He rose up slightly to position her body the way he wanted it, spreading her thighs apart and opening her once again to his eyes.

  “That clit is begging me to suck it.” His thumb brushed against the small bit of flesh before delving back, adding more pressure until he felt a rush of wetness from her, and she began wiggling her hips. When her back arched, he slipped a large finger inside her.

  “You’re so tight I can barely get my finger all the way inside. You’re going to have to relax more if you’re going to take my dick.”

  Max’s mouth replaced his finger, shoving his tongue inside her. He heard her gasp as he began to show her just how he liked to have sex. He wasn’t a shy man, and he loved fucking. If she was going to be sharing his bed for a while, she needed to loosen up. I’m just the man do to it, too, he thought confidently.

  Casey had to want him or she wouldn’t be lying spread-eagle on his bed after trying to make him jealous with Stump.

  Lust blazed through his body at tasting a pussy he had thought would never be available to him. When she began twisting underneath him, he gave her clit a twirl with his tongue before rising up, bracing his knees between her thighs. He lined his condom covered cock up at her entrance.