Stand Off Read online

Page 12

  “Max, there’s something you should know. You might have had to wait, but you weren’t only my first kiss,” she confessed. Casey’s face was twisted with desire, but her eyes blazed with truth.

  “You didn’t fuck, Jayce?”

  “No, I lied to Penni.”

  “You were going to give it to Stump?” His voice hardened at the thought.

  “No, I was going to leave. I wasn’t saving it for you, Max, but I never could bring myself to give it to any other man. I would have found another way to get the information I wanted. I told myself that was the safest way to get it because it gave me the excuse to do what I wanted to do.”

  His fingers pinched her clit then rubbed harder, the friction ruthlessly driving her toward a climax.

  “Max, someone is watching behind that mirror.” Casey stiffened, trying to pull away.

  “It’s okay. He keeps an eye on the room to make sure none of the girls get hurt. How did you know?”

  “Tell him he shouldn’t light a cigarette, or tell the bar owner to get a better quality two-way mirror.”

  “I’ll mention it to Henry.”

  “Oh, God, you have to stop.” She pled with her lips while her eyes and pussy begged for relief.

  “I will in about sixty seconds,” Max told her.

  “Sixty seconds?”

  “That’s when you’re going to come for me, sweet thing.”

  Her hands tightened on his belt as if to save herself from drowning.

  “Don’t call me that. You call every woman you meet or fuck that name. It keeps you from having to keep their names straight.”

  “I know their names. I don’t need names to remember women. I remember their faces.”

  Casey laughed at him. “You liar. You recognize their breasts. It’s the first thing you stare at on a woman. You are a horn-dog! I bet you’ve watched so many strip shows you couldn’t remember them all.”

  “You’re right about that. The Predators do business with the owner, so we’re here a lot. Grace threw a fit when she found out. Figured I’d save you the trouble of finding that out from her.”

  “That’s why you brought me inside?”

  “That and you were cold,” Max admitted.

  “Grace doesn’t mind that Ice comes inside?”

  “Naw, he told her he wouldn’t watch.”

  “Does he?” Casey gasped as her body began shuddering after Max thrust a long finger inside her.

  “What do you think?” Max rubbed his thumb on her clit to extend her climax while he continued to finger fuck her tight pussy. “You can only watch the same tits and ass swing so much before you don’t even notice them anymore. But these little beauties…” Max nuzzled closer to her breasts. “These, I’ll never get tired of.”

  “I think I need my head examined because I believe you.” Casey lay limply against him. “Do me a favor. If we ever see the man behind that mirror, don’t tell me.”

  “I won’t, but Jackal might.”

  Chapter 16

  “Can I help you?” The salesman approached as soon as she walked through the large furniture store. Max had told her to take a look around, that he would meet her in a few minutes.

  “I need a new mattress.” Casey followed as he turned, leading her toward the side of the huge store.

  It had been several years since she had shopped for furniture, and then it had been at a cheaper store in town that had secondhand furniture. She couldn’t bring herself to buy a used mattress, though. Besides, with Max’s discount, if she bought the cheapest one, it shouldn’t put a dent in her savings.

  As they crossed the store, they passed a row of chests. One in a rich dark cherry caught her eye. Stopping, she ran her hand over the smooth wood.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s one of our best sellers in the store. There’s a six week wait, since it’s made by hand.” The salesman touched the corner of the table where the intricate carving was raised.

  Casey couldn’t resist running her hand across the top of it one more time, enjoying the feel of the cool wood against her fingertips before coming to a stop at the price tag. Flipping the piece of cardboard over, she stared down in disappointment at the hefty price.

  “I’d love to have it, but I can’t afford it,” she admitted, beginning to move away from the beautiful piece.

  She saw Max coming down the aisle toward them.

  “Hi.” She smiled when he came to a stop next to her.

  “Hey.” Max’s eyes went to the furniture behind her. “I thought you were only shopping for a mattress?”

  “I am, but I couldn’t resist stopping at this. It’s gorgeous.”

  “If you like it so much, maybe you can talk Max into making one for you.” The salesman’s words had Casey’s eyes going to Max, who shoved his hands into his pockets, looking uncomfortable.

  “You made this?” Casey asked in shock.

  “Not only this chest, but Max has a whole line of wooden furniture that he sells here at the store.”

  “Wow,” Casey said appreciatively. “You’re really talented, Max.”

  He shrugged offhandedly. “Not really. I’m good at woodworking, and I’m lucky Pete lets me use his shop. He sells the furniture and gives me a commission. It works out well for both of us.”

  “So, why didn’t you tell me? You said that you load and unload trucks all day,” Casey asked in confusion.

  “I do. I get bored standing still after a while, and loading the trucks keeps me busy.”

  “You made this, too?” Casey moved toward a wooden bench that was made out of oak. The back was carved into delicate tree limbs with birds and flowers sitting on the branches.


  Her eyes went to his large, callused hands. She had never dreamed Max was capable of making anything so artistic.

  “If I ever have a yard, I’m going to buy this piece. It makes me wish I had a flower garden,” she said wistfully.

  “Ready?” The salesman motioned toward the mattress a few feet away.

  “Yes.” Casey couldn’t keep her mind off discovering Max’s hidden talent. He must be doing well if there was a six week wait on the furniture he created with his own hands.

  Absently, she chose the mattress she had come for that had been an advertised special.

  “You can’t buy that one.” Max shook his head.

  “Why not? I’ll take it in a full size, please.”

  “Don’t write that order, Cory. She’ll take the one against the wall in a king.”

  “I don’t want that one. It’s too big, and it’s not on sale,” Casey hissed.

  Max motioned toward the mattress she wanted. “It’s not big enough, and it’s too thin.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not. Cory, write the order up for the Luxury Plush.”

  “Cut it out, Max. I’m not buying that expensive mattress. I’m getting the other one.”

  “It’s too small. How in the hell am I supposed to fit on it?”

  As Casey’s face flooded with color, the salesman shifted his gaze from her to Max.

  “I’ll pay the difference,” Max said stubbornly. “There is no way I’m sleeping on that piece of shit you picked out. Go print out the receipt, Cory. We’ll be there in a minute.”

  Casey tapped her foot, trying to keep from kicking Max in the leg. She wanted to sink to the floor in embarrassment.

  “I can’t believe you did that! You made it sound like you stay at my place.”

  “When you buy that fucking mattress, I will be. Come on.” He placed an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side. “Does it really matter what he thinks?”

  She shoved her elbow into his stomach. “You’re a jerk. I’ll buy the freakin’ mattress, and I’ll use your discount, but I’ll pay for the rest of it.”

  “I’ll—” Her heated glare had him snapping his mouth closed. “Okay. Happy now?”

  “Not really,” she said stiffly.

sp; “You going to be mad for a while?”

  “Possibly. Why?”

  “Because you need to get over it by tonight. I’m going to make sure it gets on the last truck going out today. Tonight, we can break it in.”

  “Max, don’t press your luck.”

  It didn’t take them long to pay for the mattress. Casey ignored the knowing look in the salesman’s eyes as Max walked out of the store with her.

  “I better go on home so I’ll be there when they deliver it.”

  “Don’t be a sore loser. You’re going to thank me for it tonight.”

  Casey wanted to strangle Max yet found herself trying to hold back her smile. His good humor made it difficult to stay angry with him.

  “I need to check in at the clubhouse. I’ll bring a couple of pizzas when I come over tonight.”

  “I don’t remember inviting you.”

  Max swept her into his arms, pressing his mouth to hers and kissing her until the rest of her temper dissipated.

  “Invitations are for pussies. I’ll see you at eight.” He planted her firmly back down on her feet before striding off to his motorcycle.

  “Damn, that man knows how to kiss.” It was worth the extra money she had spent on the mattress.

  She rushed to her car. The last thing she wanted to do was miss the delivery. That mattress was going to come in handy tonight.

  * * *

  Max felt a pair of tits pressed against his back as arms circled his waist.

  “I need some loving, honey bear.”

  Rita’s voice grated on his already frayed nerves. Spending time with Casey that afternoon had his dick hard and his mind in turmoil.

  “Piss off, Rita. Go find another brother to fill that greedy pussy.”

  Her arms fell away, and Max heard the sound of her high heels moving away. As he lifted his beer to his mouth, his eyes met Ice’s as he leaned against the bar.

  “Give me a beer, Crush.”

  The woman set one in front of him before going back to the end of the counter with Jackal. The woman considered herself Jackal’s, despite the brother making sure he spread himself among all the bitches.

  “How’s it going?”

  Max didn’t have to ask what Ice was referring to.

  “Good. She believes everything is cool between us.”

  Ice nodded, taking a drink of his beer before asking, “She ever give up why she did it?”

  “Nope, she’s tighter than a virgin’s cunt on why she tried to snitch on us. I’m working on it. Going to spend the night at her place tonight. I didn’t want to come on too strong and make her suspicious. She’ll tell us what we want when she really believes we’re going to give her a pass.”

  “The only pass she’s going to get from us is passing her around the club,” Buzzard joked loudly as he played pool.

  Max stiffened, wishing he had kept his big mouth closed when he had first found out about Casey’s duplicity. Then he tossed back the rest of his beer.

  “Don’t,” Ice warned.

  “Don’t what?” Max wanted to punch Buzzard in the face so badly a muscle in his jaw twitched.

  “Let her twist you into knots.”

  “I didn’t see you giving a fuck what anyone thought when you decided you wanted Grace,” he snapped then wished he had remained silent.

  “You telling us you’ve changed your mind?”

  “No. I’m not saying that. I told you and the brothers we’ll get our revenge. Have I ever not kept my word?”


  “Then don’t doubt my loyalty. Pussy is pussy. Casey doesn’t have what it would take to tie me into knots.”

  “Good to hear.” Ice picked up his beer, moving away to the pool table.

  When he moved away, Max realized Mason had sat down on a stool at the bar.

  “You want to chime in your two cents?” Max wondered whether the man who had been Casey’s stepfather for several years would try to sway the club from their revenge.

  “No. The club don’t give a fuck what I have to say.”

  “And if they did?” Max probed.

  “I’d tell you to be careful. Casey’s smart. She fooled you, didn’t she? A smart woman can do a lot of damage. The club was lucky Jackal caught her in time. Next time, we might not be so lucky.”

  Max stared at the older man, knowing he was right. Casey had made him look stupid in front of his brothers. It still stung his pride when he remembered that night, waking to find she hadn’t cared who she had to fuck to get access to Ice’s office.

  He left the clubhouse, feeling the stares of the brothers on his back. They were beginning to doubt he could keep his head on straight. Well, he was going to show them and Casey that no one made a fool out of him.

  Chapter 17

  Casey was straightening the comforter over her new mattress when she heard a sound in her bedroom doorway. Startled, she looked up to see Max taking up the doorway with his huge body.

  “How did you get in?” she gasped in fright.

  “The door was unlocked.” His short answer had her straightening. The man who had left her at the furniture store wasn’t this impassive man whose emotions she couldn’t read.

  “I must have forgotten to lock the door after the delivery men left. Is something wrong?” Her voice trembled from uncertainty. Her instincts were screaming she was in danger.

  He toed off his boots then reached behind his back to tug off his T-shirt.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all afternoon.” His grouchy voice had her thinking that wasn’t a good thing. “Never had a woman I couldn’t get out of my head.”

  Casey held her breath. His body was taut and poised as if to pounce on her. She couldn’t understand how he could be so large and not have an ounce of fat on him. Max’s stomach was flat and firm, and his arms bulged with muscles. He was everyone’s fantasy, and he was within her reach.

  “You need to get your clothes off or tell me to get the hell out.”

  Casey didn’t want to debate any longer about whether she should become involved with Max; it was too late. She was going to grab this time she had with him with both hands and worry about the repercussions to her heart later.

  Shakily, she removed her T-shirt then slid her jeans down her hips, watching as Max unbuckled his belt. She was more nervous this time than the first night they’d had sex since her mind wasn’t occupied with getting into Ice’s office. Tonight her mind wasn’t on anything except Max.

  He took a step forward, into the small room already filled with the overly large bed. It was overwhelming to have the tough man in such close confines.

  His hands slid behind her back, unhooking her bra before tossing it to the floor. “I couldn’t design anything as perfect as your tits.”

  Heat filled her belly at his words. The women Max had been with had all been beautiful, with bodies that had an overt sexuality that made Casey feel self-conscious about standing naked in front of him. Her breasts were small, and she had wished for larger ones more than once. Nevertheless, he made her feel sexy as his finger traced her nipple then lifted the mound of flesh to his lips, sucking the nipple into his mouth.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling her between his thighs. His hand slid between her legs, his fingers searching through the folds of her pussy, rubbing her clit in soft brushes that had her knees locking so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

  Her hands clutched his shoulders, exploring the flesh that had her fantasizing about him, while his mouth moved to her other nipple as his other hand tugged on the one his mouth had left. Casey moaned low in her throat, letting her body slide down to the carpet, dragging his mouth away from her breast. Her mouth found his nipple, repeating the torture he had given her.

  His hands burrowed into her hair before lifting her head so his mouth could catch hers in a kiss that had his tongue thrusting inside, taking control. His kisses were usually firm and passion infusing, but tonight, he used his tongue to fuck her mouth. He wasn’t soft.
Max was rough, tugging her head to the side so it seemed as if he was devouring her, trying to steal her soul with a desire that took everything without letting her hold anything of herself back.

  Casey’s head fell back as she took gasping breaths of air. His hard cock was pressed against her stomach, making her curious about what it would feel like to play with. Despite his large size, Max was the type of man a woman could feel free enough to try anything with, even something she had never done before. Casey hesitantly slipped her hand between their bodies, feeling the numerous metal balls around the head of his cock. Then she bent down and gingerly licked the tip.

  “You’re not going to hurt me,” Max grunted.

  Casey opened her mouth, taking him inside. She sucked him cautiously at first, despite his words; however, when his hand in her hair pushed her down farther, a wildness in her she didn’t know she was capable of took over. She pressed her thighs together as the heat in her body spiraled, giving her the confidence to slide her mouth over him and use her tongue to torment his piercings.

  “Damn, woman, if I didn’t want to come so bad in that pussy, I would let you suck me off.” He tugged her head up, letting his cock slip out of her mouth. “In the morning, I’m going to fuck that mouth before I leave.”

  Max lifted her from the floor, placing her on the mattress. Casey sat, licking the taste of him off her lips as he tore open a condom and rolled it onto his hard length. Max then climbed on the bed behind her, pressing his chest against her back, his hand sliding around the front of her belly and pressing her back to him. Another hand parted her pussy as she felt his cock nudge her from behind.

  She moaned when his cock slipped through her wetness, unerringly finding her opening and thrusting inside her. Casey’s head fell back onto his shoulder as he steadily fucked her. She braced herself as his strokes became harder and rougher.

  Max wasn’t a gentle lover this time. His hand gripped her stomach so hard she thought he would leave a handprint as he surged inside her, grinding his hips against her ass.